Twelve Points Insights

Strategies to Reduce Taxes for Business Owners

Businesses, the people who own them, and the industries they constitute, are unique. I think we can all agree that a grocery store operator is going to have different needs and issues than the dentist down the street. However, there are some commonalities among business owners, the most important of which is that they all want to minimize their taxes. So how does one accomplish such a feat? Here are a few tax-reduction tips for business owners:

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3 Things Every Company With a 401k Should Ask Its Advisor

Does your company have a 401(k)? Are you the Plan Sponsor? If you answered “yes” to both of these questions, I have one more for you: are you aware of the fiduciary role you are assuming? As a business owner and a 401(k) Plan Sponsor, you have a responsibility to select a high-quality investment advisor for your plan.

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Tips for Businesses to Get Off to a Great Start in the New Year

It’s that time again, when everyone looks back over the past year and decides what changes they must implement to better their lives. Maybe you are one of the masses flocking to the gym to improve your health this year. Or, maybe your goal is to add more leisure to your daily routine and help lower your level of stress.

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